
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 4/30/2007 12:00:00 AM  

Nawaz Sharif, the real killer of Hakim Muhammad Said
Posted By: kashfi80 On: 30/Apr/2007 Views:18709 Replies:18 
Nawaz Sharif, the real killer of Hakim Muhammad Said Click here to read Full Article
Nawaz Shairf & Shabaz Sharif·s Corruptions & Ghaddari Pakistan Say
Posted By: kashfi80 On: 30/Apr/2007 Views:5830 Replies:1 
Nawaz Shairf BadbooDar Makrooh Badrooh Paindoo & Shabaz Sharif BadbooDar Makrooh Badrooh Paindoo are more corrupt and GHADDAR as compare to other politicians Click here to read Full Article
Nawaz Sharif·s appeal to generals
Posted By: Noman On: 30/Apr/2007 Views:2159 Replies:2 
Nawaz Sharif on Saturday urged army generals to choose between Pakistan and Gen Pervez Musharraf who, he alleged, was bent upon destroying the army as an institution. Click here to read Full Article

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